Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!


We started out Thanksgiving Day at Freeman Park in Idaho Falls where Mark and his brother Mike ran a 10K for Feed the Hungry. We chased them around town to get pictures, and then went to Mark's sister's house for turkey. We made turkeys out of pears and gumdrops, and pilgrim hats out of marshmallows, chocolate and shortbread cookies. Just a fun day.





Sarah said...

I commented on the other blog- but BTW, Jonathin looks like a pretty cool dude in that pic. Gotta love 16 year old boys. heehee.

The Ricks Clan said...

What an accomplishment Mark. I couldn't run if my life depended on it. What a great cause to run for. I love your turkeys Liza, you are always coming up with such clever and fun things to do. Does your brain ever have time to breath? Happy Holidays.